2012 Resolutions

Amat jarang ye bagi saya untuk buat azam. I cant remember when was the last time.. Form 4 maybe? Alhamdulillah.. Umur dah menginjak ke dewasa- 21 years and finally I'm LEGAL!!! *though my birthday lambat lagi but who cares*

Masa petang tadi sambil duduk-duduk menghayati cuaca yang cantik (8c ye kawan-kawan.. sangat nyaman) tiba-tiba aku tersenyum sendirian.. Banyak kali pulak tu. Sambil-sambil senyum tu aku pelik sendiri, aku senyum pasal ape ye? Pasal hidup aku indah sangat ke? *that's doubtful* Kalau bukan, pasal apa ye? Dan kenapa ayat saya skema ye? Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..

Stop all the merepekness. Please.

So let's jump to my resolutions for this year. We start with small steps first then only we can move on to the next bigger ones. So jangan gelakkan my resolutions for this year. Some of them might sound peliks then again, who cares. (I CARE!!!)

1. Cuci muka and gosok gigi everyday sebelum tidur. YEVERYDAY OK! No skip skip.
2. Menjadi lebih baik.. Haha! (soooo typical)
3. Mendapat gpa yang lebih baik daripada last sem.
4. Make new friends and have at least one very good friend in the US
5. Usahakan business dengan bersungguh-sungguh.
6. Jadi lebih menawan? Kihkihkih.
7. This is very important- BALIK MALAYSIA. Jumpa family, kawan-kawan and him. T_T
8. Start my own clothing line
9. Be more zeriouz will ya?
10. Accomplishkan impian untuk beli laptop baru. Ehem. Ehem.
11. Sekiranya saya meningggal dunia tahun ni.. Saya berdoa saya mati dalam keadaan bertaubat.

Kaki saya size 40. Kau hadoooo?

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